Isabella Rjeille
Bernardo Mosqueira, Fabiana Lopes, Isabella Rjeille e Marcelo Campos
Capa dura, 18,5x24,5cm, 136p, inglês, MASP, 2018
ISBN 978-85-310-0057-7
This catalog accompanies the exhibition Lucia Laguna: Neighborhood at the Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand, reproducing works that center around three main themes the artist explores in her paintings: studio, landscape and garden. While landscape is the starting point for Laguna, it is from her studio's neighborhood that the artist draws her vocabulary of forms, colors and images - hence the title of the show and this catalogo. In Laguna's paintings, elements such as security gates mix with the flowers sprouting in the walled gardens of suburban homes; in geometric structures, the lines of her studio's window frame come undone; steetlamps illuminate household objects such as chairs and tables, a meeting of exterior and interior, public and private. A new painting, reproduced on the cover of this publications, was made by Laguna for the exhibition at MASP, inspired by works from the museum's collection and the picture gallery, with its iconic glass easels, Lina Bo Bardi's original exhibit design for the building on Avenida Paulista.
This is the English edition. For the Portuguese edition, please refer to this link: Lucia Laguna: vizinhança.
O MASP Loja vende catálogos e antologias editados pelo museu, sua linha própria de produtos, bem como livros de outras editoras e uma seleção de objetos provenientes de várias partes do país, criados por comunidades de artesãos, povos indígenas e designers.
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